Monday, September 30, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 6

I woke up the next day, determined to go see Erik and get the truth about vampire hunters. Then, as I was brushing my teeth, I remembered yesterday's other crisis. Seth Mortensen. Swearing, I finished up in the bathroom, earning a disapproving look from Aubrey for my profanity. There was no telling how long this tour thing with him might take. I might have to wait until tomorrow to see Erik, and by then, this vampire hunter or whatever could have struck again. I set out for Emerald City, wearing the most nonattractive outfit I could muster: jeans and a turtleneck, with my hair pulled severely back. Paige, all smiles, approached me as I waited for Seth in the cafe. â€Å"You should show him Foster's and Puget Sound Books while you're out,† she told me conspiratorially. Still waking up, I took a sip of the mocha Bruce had just made me and tried to reason out her logic. Foster's and Puget Sound Books were competitors of ours, though not major ones. â€Å"Those places are dives.† â€Å"Exactly.† She grinned at me with her even white teeth. â€Å"Show him those, and he'll be convinced we're the best place for him to do his writing at.† I studied her, feeling seriously out of the loop. Or maybe I was just distracted still about the Duane thing. It wasn't every day one had his immortality revoked. â€Å"Why†¦ would he do his writing here?† â€Å"Because he likes to take his laptop and write in coffee shops.† â€Å"Yeah, but he lives in Chicago.† Paige shook her head. â€Å"Not anymore. Where were you last night? He's moving here to be closer to his family.† I recalled Seth mentioning his brother, but I had been too caught up in my own mortification to pay much attention. â€Å"When?† â€Å"Now, as far as I know. That's why this was his last stop on the tour. He's staying with his brother but plans on finding his own place soon.† She leaned close to me, eyes gleaming predatorily. â€Å"Georgina, if we have a famous author hanging out here regularly, it'll be good for our image.† Honestly, my immediate concern wasn't where Seth would be writing. What freaked me out was that he would not be departing for a different time zone anytime soon, a time zone where he could then forget about me and let us both get on with our lives. I could run into him every day now. Literally, if Paige's wish was realized. â€Å"Won't that be distracting to his writing if his presence is widely known? Annoying fans and whatnot?† â€Å"We won't let it become a problem. We'll make the most of this and respect his privacy. Careful now, here he comes.† I drank more of my mocha, still marveling at the way Paige's mind worked. She could think of promotional ideas that never would have entered my head. Warren might have been the one to invest capital in this place, but it had been her marketing genius that made it a success. â€Å"Good morning,† Seth told us, walking up to the table. He wore jeans, a Def Leppard T-shirt, and a brown corduroy jacket. The lay of his hair did not convince me he'd brushed it this morning. Paige looked at me pointedly, and I sighed. â€Å"Let's go.† Seth silently followed me outside, that awkward tension building between us like a solid barrier. He did not look at me; I did not look at him. It was only when we stood outside on Queen Anne Avenue and I realized I had no plan for today that conversation had to occur. â€Å"Where to start? Seattle, unlike Gaul, is not divided into just three parts.† I made the joke more to myself, but Seth suddenly laughed. â€Å"Seattle peninsula est,† he observed, playing off my observation. â€Å"Not exactly. Besides, that's Bede, not Caesar.† â€Å"I know. But I don't know very much Latin.† He gave me that quirky, bemused smile that seemed to be his trademark expression. â€Å"Do you?† â€Å"Enough.† I wondered how he would react if I mentioned my fluency in Latin dialects from various stages of the Roman Empire. My vague answer must have been interpreted as lack of interest because he looked away, and more silence fell. â€Å"Is there anything special you wanted to see?† â€Å"Not really.† Not really. Okay. Well. The sooner we got this started, the sooner it would end and I could see Erik. â€Å"Follow me.† As we drove off, I sort of hoped we might naturally flow into meaningful conversation, in spite of our bad start yesterday. Yet, as we traveled, it seemed clear Seth had no intention of carrying on any discourse. I recalled his nervousness in front of the crowd yesterday and even with some of the bookstore staff. This guy had serious social phobias, I realized, though he had made a valiant effort in shedding them during our initial flirtations. Then, I had gone and turned on the back-off vibes, undoubtedly scarring him for life and undoing whatever progress he had made. Way to go, Georgina. Maybe if I could broach some compelling topics, he would muster his earlier confidence and bring back our rapport – in a platonic way, of course. I attempted to recall my profound questions from last night. And once again, they eluded me, so I switched to mundane ones. â€Å"So your brother lives around here?† â€Å"Yup.† â€Å"What part?† â€Å"Lake Forest Park.† â€Å"That's a nice area. Are you going to look for a place up there?† â€Å"Probably not.† â€Å"Do you have another place in mind then?† â€Å"Not really.† Okay, this wasn't getting us anywhere. Annoyed at how this master of the written word could be so short on spoken ones, I finally decided to cut him out of the conversation altogether. Having him involved was too much work. Instead, I chatted on amiably without him, pointing out the popular spots: Pioneer Square, Pike Place Market, the Fremont Troll. I even showed him the shoddier representatives of our competition, per Paige's instructions. I neglected anything closer to the Space Needle than a brief nod, however. No doubt he'd seen it from Emerald City's windows and could pay the exorbitant fees to visit it up close if he really needed the tourist experience. We went to the U District for lunch. He followed without protest or comment to my favorite Vietnamese restaurant. Our meal progressed quietly as I took a break from talking, both of us eating noodles and staring out the nearby window to watch the bustle of students and cars. â€Å"This is nice.† It was the most Seth had spoken in a while, and I nearly jumped at the sound of his voice. â€Å"Yeah. This place doesn't look like much, but they make a mean pho.† â€Å"No, I meant out there. This area.† I followed his gesture back to University Way, at first seeing nothing more than disgruntled students hauling backpacks around. Then, expanding my search, I became aware of the other small specialty restaurants, the coffee shops, and the used bookstores. It was an eclectic mix, somewhat tattered around the edges, but it had a lot to offer quirky, intellectual types – even famous, introverted writers. I looked at Seth, who looked back at me expectantly. It was our first direct eye contact all day. â€Å"Are there places to live around here?† â€Å"Sure. If you want to share a house with a bunch of eighteen-year-olds.† I paused, thinking that option might not be so unappealing for a guy. â€Å"If you want something more substantial in this area, it'll cost you. I guess Cady and O'Neill ensure that's not really an issue, huh? We can drive around and look, if you want.† â€Å"Maybe. I'd honestly rather go there first.† He pointed across the street, to one of the used bookstores. His eyes flicked back to me uncertainly. â€Å"If that's okay with you.† â€Å"Let's go.† I loved used bookstores but always felt a little guilty walking into them. Like I was cheating. After all, I worked around bright, crisp books all the time. I could obtain a reprint of almost anything I wanted, brand new. It seemed wrong to take such visceral pleasure from being around old books, from the smell of aged paper, mildew, and dust. Such collections of knowledge, some quite old, always reminded me of times long past and places I'd seen, triggering a tidal wave of nostalgia. These emotions made me feel both old and young. The books aged while I did not. A gray tabby cat stretched and blinked at us from her spot on the counter as we entered. I stroked her back and said hello to the old man near her. He glanced up briefly from the books he sorted, smiled at us, and returned to his work. Seth stared around at the towering shelves before us, an expression of bliss on his face, and promptly disappeared into them. I wandered over to nonfiction, wanting to peruse the cookbooks. I had grown up preparing food without microwaves and food processors and decided it was high time to let my culinary knowledge expand into this century. Finally settling on a Greek cookbook with lots of colored pictures, I dragged myself away a half hour later and looked for Seth. I found him in the children's section, kneeling next to a stack of books, completely absorbed. I crouched down beside him. â€Å"What are you looking at?† He flinched slightly, startled by my proximity, and tore his gaze away from his find to look at me. This close, I could see that his eyes were actually more of a golden-amber brown, his lashes long enough to make any girl jealous. â€Å"Andrew Lang's fairy books.† He held a paperback entitled The Blue Fairy Book. On top of the stack near him sat another called The Orange Fairy Book, and I could only assume the rest followed color-coded suit. Seth glowed with literary rapture, forgetting his reticence around me. â€Å"The 1960s reprints. Not as valuable as, say, editions from the 1800s, but these are the ones my dad had, the ones he used to read to us from. He only had a couple, though; this is the whole set. I'm going to get them and read them to my nieces.† Flipping through the pages of The Red Fairy Book, I recognized the titles of many familiar stories, some I hadn't even known were still around. I turned the book over and looked inside the cover but found no price. â€Å"How much are they?† Seth pointed to a small sign near the shelf he'd obtained them from. â€Å"Is that reasonable for these?† I asked. â€Å"It's a little high, but it's worth it to me to get them all in one go.† â€Å"No way.† I gathered up part of the books, rising. â€Å"We'll talk him down.† â€Å"Talk him down how?† My lips turned up in a smile. â€Å"With words.† Seth seemed dubious, but the clerk proved an easy target. Most men would eventually cave before an attractive, charismatic woman – let alone a succubus who still sported a residual life force glow. Besides, I had learned bartering at my mother's knee. The guy behind the counter didn't stand a chance. By the time I finished with him, he had happily lowered the price by 25 percent and thrown in my cookbook for free. Walking back to my car, arms laden with books, Seth kept glancing at me wonderingly. â€Å"How did you do that? I've never seen anything like it.† â€Å"Lots of practice.† A vague answer worthy of one of his. â€Å"Thanks. I wish I could repay the favor.† â€Å"Don't worry – hey, you can actually. Would you mind running an errand with me? It's to a bookstore, but it's a scary bookstore.† â€Å"Scary how?† Five minutes later, we were on our way to see my old friend Erik Lancaster. Erik had been ensconced in the Seattle area long before me, and he was a well-known figure to almost every immortal entity around. Versed in mythology and supernatural lore, he regularly proved to be an excellent resource for all things paranormal. If he had noticed that some of his best patrons never aged, he wisely refrained from pointing that out. The only annoying thing about seeing Erik was that it required a visit to Krystal Starz – a stunning example of New Age spirituality gone wrong. I didn't doubt the place might have had good intentions back when it opened in the 1980s, but the bookstore now touted a barrage of colorful, highly commercial merchandise more weighted in price than any sort of mystical value. Erik, by my estimation, was the only employee with legitimate concern and knowledge of esoteric matters. The best of his coworkers were simply apathetic; the worst were zealots and scam artists. Pulling up into the store's parking lot, I immediately felt surprise at the number of cars there. This many people at Emerald City would have constituted a signing, but that sort of event seemed odd in the middle of the workday. A heavy wave of incense poured over us as we entered, and Seth appeared just as surprised as me by all the people and stimuli. â€Å"I might be a minute,† I told him. â€Å"Feel free to look around. Not that there's much here worth seeing.† He melted away, and I turned my attention to a bright-eyed young man standing near the door and directing the crowd around. â€Å"Are you here for the Gathering?† â€Å"Urn, no,† I told him. â€Å"I'm looking for Erik.† â€Å"Erik who?† â€Å"Lancaster? Older guy? African-American? He works here.† The young lackey shook his head. â€Å"There's no Erik here. Not as long as I've been working here.† He spoke like he'd founded the store. â€Å"How long has that been?† â€Å"Two months.† I rolled my eyes. A veritable veteran. â€Å"Is there a manager around here I can talk to?† â€Å"Well, Helena's here, but she's going to be – ah, there she is.† He gestured to the far side of the store where the woman in question appeared as though summoned. Ah yes, Helena. She and I had tangled before. Pale-haired, her neck bestrewn with crystals and other arcane symbols, she stood in a doorway marked meeting room. A teal shawl covered her slim shoulders, and like always, I wondered how old she was. She looked to be in her lower to mid-thirties, but something about her demeanor always made me think she was older. Maybe she'd had a lot of plastic surgery. It would be fitting, really, considering the rest of her trumped-up, artificial persona. â€Å"Everyone? Everyone?† She spoke in this obviously faked, high-pitched voice, meant to sound like a whisper, albeit one that could reach loud volumes. So mostly it came out raspy, like she had a cold. â€Å"It's time to start.† The masses – thirty or so, I'd say – moved toward the meeting room, and I followed, blending into the crowd. Some of the people around me looked like Helena: theme-dressed, in either all-black or too-vibrant shades, with a plethora of pentagrams, crystals, and ohms in attendance. Others looked like average people, dressed much like me in my work clothes, trailing along in excited curiosity. With a frozen, fake smile plastered across her face, Helena beckoned us into the room murmuring, â€Å"Welcome, welcome. Feel the energy.† When I passed by her, the smile faltered. â€Å"I know you.† â€Å"Yes.† The smile diminished further. â€Å"You're that woman who works at that big bookstore – that big, commercial bookstore.† A few people stopped and listened to our exchange, no doubt the reason she refrained from pointing out the last time I was in here, I had called her a hypocrite pushing marked-up crap merchandise. Compared to certain national chains, I hardly considered Emerald City commercial. Still, I shrugged in acknowledgment. â€Å"Yeah, what can I say, we're part of the problem in corporate America. However, we do sell all the books and tarot cards that you do, often at a discount if you're a member of Emerald City's Frequent Readers Program.† I mentioned this last part loudly. Extra advertising never hurt. Helena's weakening smile disappeared altogether, as did some of her raspy voice. â€Å"Is there something I can help you with?† â€Å"I'm looking for Erik.† â€Å"Erik doesn't work here anymore.† â€Å"Where'd he go?† â€Å"I'm not at liberty to discuss that.† â€Å"Why? Are you afraid I'll take my business elsewhere? Believe me, you were never in danger of having it.† She raised delicate fingers to her forehead and studied me seriously, eyes nearly going crossed. â€Å"I sense a lot of darkness in your aura. Black and red.† Her voice rose, drawing in the attention of her acolytes. â€Å"You would benefit greatly from some clearing work. A smoky or rutilated quartz might also help. We have excellent specimens of both for sale here. Either would lighten up your aura.† I couldn't resist a smirk. I believed in auras, knew they were perfectly real. I also knew, however, that my aura looked nothing at all like a mortal one, nor would someone like Helena even be able to see it. Indeed, a true human adept, capable of perceiving such things, would notice that in standing with a group of humans, I would be the only person without a discernible aura. It would be invisible to all, save someone like Jerome or Carter, though some particularly skilled mortal might be able to feel its strength and be understandably cautious. Erik was one such mortal, which was why he always treated me with so much respect. Helena was not. â€Å"Wow,† I crooned. â€Å"I can't believe you were able to deduce all that without your aura camera.† Krystal Starz proudly touted a camera that would photograph your aura for $9.95. â€Å"Do I owe you something now?† She sniffed. â€Å"I don't need a camera to see others' auras. I am a Master. Besides, the spirits who have assembled for this Gathering tell me plenty about you.† My smile increased. â€Å"What do they say?† I'd had little dealings with spirits or other ethereal beings in my long life, but I would know if any were present. She closed her eyes, hands to her forehead again, lines of thought creasing her face. The onlookers watched in wonder. â€Å"They tell me that much troubles you. That the indecision and monotony in your life force you to lash out, and so long as you choose the path of darkness and distrust, you will never find peace or light.† Her blue eyes opened, caught up in her own otherworldly ecstasy. â€Å"They want you to join us. Sit in our circle, feel their healing energy. The spirits will help you to a better life.† â€Å"Like they helped you out of the porn industry?† She froze, paling, and I almost felt bad for a moment. Adepts like Erik weren't the only ones with reputations in the immortal community. A crackpot like Helena was well known too. Someone who had apparently been a fan of hers back in the day had recognized her from a movie and passed on this bit of dirt to the rest of us. â€Å"I don't know what you mean,† she finally said, face struggling for control in front of her minions. â€Å"My mistake. You reminded me of someone called Moana Licka. You sort of rub crystals the way she used to rub†¦ well, you get the idea.† â€Å"You are mistaken,† Helena said, voice on the verge of cracking. â€Å"Erik no longer works here. Please leave.† Another retort rose to my lips, but then, beyond her, I caught sight of Seth. He had wandered up to the edge of the crowd, observing the spectacle with the others. Seeing him, I suddenly felt foolish, the thrill of humiliating Helena turning cheap and shallow. Embarrassed, I still managed to hold my head high as I withheld my remarks and walked away from her. Seth fell into step beside me. â€Å"Let me guess,† I said dryly. â€Å"Some people write the stories, and some people live them.† â€Å"I think you can't help but make a sensation wherever you go.† I assumed he was being sarcastic. Then, I glanced over and saw his frank expression, neither censuring nor snide. His earnestness was so unexpected that I stumbled slightly, paying more attention to him than where I was going. Having a much-deserved reputation for gracefulness, I recovered almost immediately. Seth, however, instinctually held out a hand to catch me. As he did, I suddenly had a flash of†¦ of something. Like that moment of connection back in the map aisle. Or the surge of fulfillment I got when I read his books. It was brief, fleeting, like maybe it hadn't happened at all. He seemed as surprised as I felt and released my arm tentatively, almost hesitantly. A moment later, a voice behind me broke the spell entirely. â€Å"Excuse me?† Turning, I saw a slim teenage girl with cropped red hair and piercings up and down her ears. â€Å"You were looking for Erik, right?† â€Å"Yeah†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I can tell you where he's at. He left about five months ago to start his own store. It's in Lake City†¦ I forget the name. There's a light there, with a grocery store and a big Mexican restaurant†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I nodded. â€Å"I know that area. I'll find it. Thanks.† I eyed her curiously. â€Å"Do you work here?† â€Å"Yeah. Erik was always pretty cool to me, so I'd rather see him get business than this place. I'd have gone with him, but he doesn't really need any other help, so I'm stuck with Nutso in there.† She jerked her thumb back in Helena's direction. The girl had a serious, practical demeanor different from most of this place's employees. I recalled now that I'd seen her helping customers when I'd come in. â€Å"Why do you work here if you don't like it?† â€Å"I don't know. I like books, and I need money.† I dug through my purse, searching for one of my rarely used business cards. â€Å"Here. You want a new job, come talk to me sometime.† She took the card and read it, surprise filling her features. â€Å"Thanks†¦ I think.† â€Å"Thanks for the info about Erik.† Pausing, I considered further, and dug out another card. â€Å"If you've got a friend – anyone else who works here and is like you – give this to them too.† â€Å"Is that legal?† asked Seth later. † Dunno. But we're short-staffed at Emerald City.† I figured a specialty store like Erik's must be closed by now, so instead I turned toward Lake Forest Park to return Seth to his brother's house. I confess, relief flooded me. Being with one's hero was tiring, not to mention every interaction between us swung between wildly opposing poles. I'd probably be safer limiting our relationship to me simply reading his books. I dropped him off at a cute, suburban home, its front yard littered with children's playthings. I saw no sign of the children themselves, much to my disappointment. Seth gathered up his haul of books, gave me another scattered smile as he voiced his thanks, and disappeared into the house. I was almost back to Queen Anne when I realized I'd forgotten to ask him for my copy of The Glasgow Pact. Annoyed, I entered my building and immediately heard the front desk attendant solicit me. â€Å"Miss Kincaid?† I walked over to him, and he handed me a vase of flowers teeming with shades of purple and dark pink. â€Å"These came for you today.† I accepted the vase with delight, inhaling the mingled scents of roses, irises, and stargazer lilies. They had no card. Typical. â€Å"Who brought them?† He gestured beyond me. â€Å"That man over there.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination on the Web Essay

People think that racism and discrimination doesn’t exist anymore, but surprisingly they do; both existed throughout human history. Discrimination may be defined as a negative, harmful behaviour toward people based on their group membership. Whereas prejudice which is an opinion rather than a fact; is a negative attitude toward members of a group, that is often very strongly held. Stereotypes are individuals’ beliefs that members of a group share particular attributes; someone might think that Arabs are terrorists, or doctors are intelligent and compassionate. Unlike prejudice and discrimination-terms that refer to negative attitudes or actions- stereotypes can be either positive or negative. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict will never end, and each individual has a different opinion about it. Ahmed Ramie is a Moroccan-Swedish writer and Holocaust denier, also the founder of the radio station Radio Islam which now operates as a website. Radio Islam is a website owned by a group of freedom fighters from different countries in support of Ahmed Ramie’s global struggle. Radio Islam is a website that is trying to promote better relations between the â€Å"West† and the Arab and Muslim World; it’s against racism of all kids and forms also against all kinds of discrimination of people based on their color of skin and faith. Meta-Stereotypes are a person’s belief about the stereotype that out-group members hold concerning his or her own group; for example Arabs would believe that Jews hold a negative stereotype of their group (terrorists). Meta-stereotype differs depending on each group; Arabs may hold negative stereotypes against Jews (Occupants). Each group may hold different opinions; Palestinians may consider that their victims of the chosen people (the Jews). Each group believes that they hold the right opinions about others and some of them would never change their opinion. Another hate site that depicts hate towards Jews is Kinsman Redeemer Ministrie, Pastor Mark Downe is strongly honest with his opinion towards Jews, and his title is why we hate Jews. Scapegoat theory is a theory proposing that prejudice occurs because members of dominant groups use discrimination against members of weak target groups to vent their frustration and disappointment. People become frustrated during difficult economic time and tend to take out their frustration on weak targets, for example Jews in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s when Hitler roused anger against Jews by claiming they had too much economic power and blaming them for the impact of the worldwide depression on Germany. Jews were an outcast that many Germans disliked, but when Hitler started his campaign of propaganda, some Germans followed his league. But there’s a difference between these two sites; Radio Islam is against Zionism not Judaism, where Kinsman Redeemer Ministries talks specifically about Jews and lists different reasons why people should hate them. One man started this propaganda and changed the whole world, now Hitler is gone but people still carry on with his campaign and spread the hate and racism among others. People should be more considerate about other peoples’ opinions and beliefs and not hurt them by hate websites or picking on them. Each person in this world is a unique individual who shouldn’t be judged based on his/her religion, color, sexuality or ethnicity. Prejudice against overweight women is common now a day, people who are overweight are the targets of widespread prejudice and discrimination, and they may find difficulties finding a job or travelling. Some groups hold hate towards other overweight people, they believe that the fat gene is not an excuse and obesity should not be common among us. If an obese saw a hate website about overweight groups they would feel ashamed and upset that they would eat more rather than fixing their problem. â€Å"Old-Fashioned† Prejudice is one of the forms of prejudice; the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is name of three distinct past and present right-wing organizations in the United States. After the American Civil War the KKK was created on December 24, 1865, this group represents the White Christian civilization they believe in many concepts and rights that should be essential to civilized and moral society. Some people might find them as ignorant and racist but they are certainly convinced about their beliefs and actions towards illegal immigrants and black people. On one of the hate websites KKK they mention white all the time that others might be offended and bothered, their mission is to live in a country with white people only. Again Frustration caused this group it started after the War before that people didn’t mind black people. Martin Luther King has become a human rights icon and he represented all African Americans; he fought for their rights since the 50’s. Throughout the history till the present African Americans still might feel discriminated and an outcast. Stereotypes is a huge effect on people and how they feel about others, a kid might not think of a Black man in the middle of the night as a killer or a thief but as this kid grows older and starts watching television and surfing the internet this persons’ thoughts will change and develop hate towards Black people and somehow fear. In all I would like to wrap up this assignment with saying that I’m totally against judging a book from its cover, some people might hate all Jews because some of them occupied Palestine or some Jews would hate all Germans because some of them slaughtered them. But I think that’s not only racist but it’s ignorant, all people should be treated the same and those hate websites can convince teenagers to turn into a hater and I’m surprised how they exist from the first place. Websites I visited: -http://radioislam. org/islam/english/index_zion1. htm -http://www. kinsmanredeemer. com/WhyWeHateJews. htm -http://ihatefatpeople. wordpress. com/ -http://www. kkk. bz/.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Case study for entrepreneurship and small business course - 1

For entrepreneurship and small business course - Case Study Example As an innovative entrepreneur, Dave invented the turning bucket that is a signature mark outside many KFC restaurants. Dave was also flexible and self-confident when he specialized in selling hamburger. He was committed with strong drive to achieve when he went on to open hamburger restaurant despite opposition from professional bankers and financial advisers who told him, the market was saturated. He was good planner with organizational skills and strong management skills because how was able to open a chain of hamburgers. He responded to customer’s demand by offering better quality food products and expanding the menu to accommodate customers’ demand. He was willing to listen to customers in order to respond to their needs (Zimmerer, Scarborough, & Wilson, 2008). Dave’s success with the first Wendy restaurant can be attributed to the strong entrepreneurial skills and the ability to listen to customers’ demands and respond to them as quick as possible. Dave was very friendly entrepreneur who consulted bankers and other financial advisers for advice, but often made personal and independent decisions that contributed to the success of the restaurant. Another attribute that contributed to the success of the first restaurant was the specialization. Dave specialized to an area where he was most interested in hence improving quality of the food products. His invention as well provided him with free product hence saving the cost that could be used to buy the rotating bucket sign. This was also attractive to customers who became loyal to the restaurant (Zimmerer, Scarborough, & Wilson, 2008). The statement means that an entrepreneur has to diversify his targets and goals to align with the customers in order to keep their loyalty and meet their demand. Every entrepreneur has his goals for starting a business. He is, therefore, driven by commitment, independence and the ability to achieve the goals (Zimmerer,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Video review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Video review - Essay Example The first reason goes like this; If the US really wanted to overthrow Saddam from Iraq and install a true democracy, they could have backed up the popular uprising that took place just after the first Gulf War. Nevertheless instead of helping the peoples revolt, US stood by and allowed Saddams forces to viciously crush all opposition. Saddam could have been out many years ago but as I see it, US government found him worthy as a democracy arising from such a revolt would be one that they could not control and manipulate. As a US citizen I am really afraid of this situation and don’t want US government to create this kind of conspiracies. Furthermore; â€Å"Iran is supporting three Shiite extremist groups in Iraq that have been attempting to attack US bases, Said General Ray Odierno, the top US commander in Iraq. However, there’s a conflict as for the past 4 years the US military has blamed Iran for supporting violent anti-US groups functioning in Iraq, but has been unable to demonstrate a clear link with the government in Tehran.† Thus, in my opinion US will first utilize Iran to get Iraq in hold, and then will run its forces onto Iran to detain it too as Iran seems to be coming in a very strong position. Specially because of having the nuclear power Iran is considered a sign of danger. The United States authorities want to make Iraq a power player to keep Iran in check in the West, Afghanistan to keep it in check in the East. The original goal was to liberate Iraq and invade Iran from there. Except removing Saddam, which created a power vacuum. Thus, US will get to remodel Iran from the ground up according to their precise stipulations. 3. The Worst scenario that can be faced by both countries among each other is war. However this is what American government always wanted. One of the plans of US was to make Israel and the Arab world united to invade or obstruct Iran. However for Iran, another worst case scenario would be to pre-emptively bombard Israel

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Describe the architecture and building of El Escorial Research Paper

Describe the architecture and building of El Escorial - Research Paper Example On its south were five cloisters which included the royal palace and other offices. The northern part comprised of the living quarters of the monks. The complex design was of two architects, Toledo and Herrera who was credited with the completion of the building after revising the plans laid by Toledo (Herrera et al. 1990). The interior is composed of massive walls that were relieved by Doric pilasters without the concession to the decorative richness. This produced a serious monument beyond any Italian Renaissance ever imagined. On the exterior part, the monastery’s gigantic scale and the plain gray granite walls appears very unfriendly. This design was established by Herrera and named it the Herrera style and was to prevail in Spain for a period of fifty years. The granite complex also memorializes the first military victory and the defeat of the French on 10th august 1557. This particular day was also the San Lorenzo’s day and thus the name San Lorenzo de El Escorial. On the other hand, the rectilinear complex which has several internal courtyards is exhibited on the grill where San Lorenzo was murdered. The building’s floor plan takes a kind of a gridiron. This design had a traditional belief that was based on the honor of St. Lawrence who was murdered by being roasted on a grill. The origin of this layout is somehow controversial. The El Escorial is not by any chance made unique by the grill like shape. Several buildings have been found to take the same shape with numerous interior courtyards. This shape had fully emerged after Herrera had eliminated it from the original conception of the six interior towers. The Temple of Solomon design was the basis of the El Escorial. This was extensively modified for the purpose of accommodating the additional functions intended by Philip II. The building therefore, was intended to serve many purposes which also contributed to its design. It was

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Argue the US should increase its use of natural gas Essay

Argue the US should increase its use of natural gas - Essay Example This will critically compare both the pros and cons of this form of fuel and the benefits of its use in the United States (Knittel 3). The choice of gas to use in our industries is no longer guided by the desires of an individual but the cost and availability of the said fuel. With major economies relying on fossil fuel for different functions including industrial and home use, the current reserves are being depleted at an alarming rate. Natural gas is currently one of the cheapest and safest gases around the world with the United States sitting on a huge reserve of the gas which is currently unexploited. The lack of interest on natural gas and its resultant lack of exploitation can be attributed to the negative misconceptions that have been generated towards this gas (Ratner 7). Natural gas is colorless and odorless and produce high amount of energy when combusted with no significant emissions that negatively harm the environment. It is one of the most abundant gases in the United S tates but is rarely exploited due to the countries over reliance on fossil fuel. It contains high concentration of hydrocarbons including methane, ethane and propane, which are currently generated from fossil fuel at a much higher cost on the environment and economy. As a country that is much preoccupied with fossil fuel, switching to natural gas can only be achieved through informed education approaches that provide the benefits of this source of gas as compared to the current source. This topic will be insightful in guiding the country’s energy policy makers in making a significant policy shift from fossil fuel to natural gas. A number of misconceptions also exist about natural gas as compared to fossil fuels that act to confuse the citizens as further. This topic seeks to handle these misconceptions by providing an argumentative approach on why the country must adopt natural gas as opposed to the current use of fossil fuel (Knittel 3). Natural gas is cleaner as compared to fossil fuels thus making it the current fuel preferred by utility companies in the United States. With the current emphasis on the need to reduce emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the need for the adoption of a much cleaner gas makes natural gas the gas of choice. In addition, fossil fuels such as petroleum and gasoline, when combusted produces less energy as compared to natural gas but has higher amount of greenhouse effect as compared to natural gas. The increase in international lobbying for the adoption of safe and clean fuel supports the role of natural gas in the reduction of climate change, which occurs due to an increase in greenhouse gas emission from industries (Verrastro & Branch 5). However, natural gas has a finite nature that makes it unreliable source of energy to drive the massive industries in the United States and mitigate the impacts of global warming. Those who belong to this school of thought argue that despite the fact that natural gas is much cleaner as compared to fossil fuels, it is not as clean to enable it contribute significantly in the fight against climate change. Decreasing the prevalence of climate change cannot effectively be done using natural gas, as the opponents would want us to believe. This is farther from the truth, as the fight against climate change cannot be won through one major initiative but through well-calculated policies, which significantly

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week three Assignment 1 KJ Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week three 1 KJ - Assignment Example I would like to point that that the following are the leading SCR companies in USA: i. Nokia Corporations- As the leading telecommunications company, Nokia Inc h positively impacted on the lives of many people. A part from offering education services on health and agriculture, it ensures that all its products are free of harmful toxicities like chlorine and bromine. ii. Adidas- Adidas has been very much concerned about sustainable environmental conservation. In fact, it was one of the few organizations which sent their climate declarations to the Congress. Besides, most of its products are made up of between 50 and 100% recycled materials. iii. Cisco Systems Incorporations-sit has demonstrated its commitments towards CSR by reaching out to the people who might not be exposed to the internet. It collaborated with other like minded entities to establish Community Knowledge Centers in many countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa so as to provide them with internet connectivity. Besides, it’s very much concerned about environmental

Monday, September 23, 2019

Trust in a law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Trust in a law - Case Study Example Since ex hypothesi the transfer is on trust, the resulting trust does not establish the trust but merely carries back to A the beneficial interest that has not been disposed of. Such resulting trusts may be called "automatic resulting trusts". It is further noted that Arnold paid for the loan amortization until his death in 2001. Thereafter Wendy invited Bill in writing to live with her stating that the letter had interests in the house as well. In this situation Wendy's action of writing a letter to Bill inviting him to move in with her and further stating that Bill had an interest in the aforesaid property created an express trust or by implication an implied truest. As a result of this, Bill paid the loan amortization installments amount equivalent to 25% of the original purchase price. Contrary to the original perception that Bill is not an actual party to the ownership of the freehold house bought by Arnold and Wendy who had in truth and in fact had joint ownership the turn of events because of Wendy's action of writing made Bill an owner also. ___________________________________ 3 Vandervell's Trusts (No. 2) (1974) ch. 269,; Megarry & Wade: The Law of Real Property (6th Edition) Serapio 3 According to the law, a trust can be created through a written document known as an express trust or can be created by implication known as an implied trust. Normally, a trust can be created by any one of the following to wit: (a) A written document created by the settler and signed by both the settler and the trustees, this is often referred to as an inter vivos or "living trust"; (b) an oral declaration; (c) the will of a decedent, usually called a testamentary trust; or (d) a court order. In this instant case there exists two... is. Such resulting trusts may be called "presumed resulting trusts."; (b) The second class of case is where the transfer of B is made o trusts which leave some or all of the beneficial interest undisposed of. Here B automatically holds on resulting trust for A to the extent that the beneficial interest has presumptions, but is the automatic consequence of A's failure to dispose of what is vested in him. Since ex hypothesi the transfer is on trust, the resulting trust does not establish the trust but merely carries back to A the beneficial interest that has not been disposed of. Such resulting trusts may be called "automatic resulting trusts". with her and further stating that Bill had an interest in the aforesaid property created an express trust or by implication an implied truest. As a result of this, Bill paid the loan amortization installments amount equivalent to 25% of the original purchase price. created by any one of the following to wit: (a) A written document created by the settler and signed by both the settler and the trustees, this is often referred to as an inter vivos or "living trust"; circumstances above, when Arnold died he left all his property to Wendy.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Challenges in Auditing Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Challenges in Auditing - Literature review Example According to Power (1997, cited in Free, Salterio and Shearer, 2009) auditing can be described as both operational and programmatic elements. The programmatic elements relate to the concepts and ideas that make practice and policy objectives that are existent in the political arena. Goals are formulated with the practices for the levels of programs. These levels are defined when audits are required by the regulatory agencies. The operational elements refer to the concrete routines and tasks that are practiced by the practitioners worldwide. Review The global audit regulatory system is dynamic that includes a number of organizations, which compete among them. Such competition is reflected in the range of actions from political lobbying process to policy publication papers and submission of those papers to the committees. During the period of financial crisis, it is hard to find papers that are audited by the large firms, national audit boards and the professional bodies. Another probl em related to the financial crisis is that, the process in which the assurance operation is carried out and enacted (Kornberger, Justesen and Mouritsen, 2011). Audits aims at drawing general conclusion from the studies that are made regarding a topic. Thus, there is lack of potential use of the statistical foundations like sampling, which often gave limited information and provided with incorrect results. The qualitative studies carried out by Humphrey and Moizer (1990, cited in Kornberger, Justesen and Mouritsen, 2011) and Fischer (1996, cited in Kornberger, Justesen and Mouritsen, 2011) has suggested that the practice of the financial audit work is socially constructed. Curtis and Turley (2007, cited in Kornberger, Justesen and Mouritsen, 2011) has argued that there are huge business risk in the audit works. They have documented the problems that are related to the translation of new concepts that are developed by the officers at administrative levels, into the real audit techniqu es at the general practitioner level. The auditing profession is related to good consequences as well as bad crisis. But the auditing profession has responded boldly to the financial crisis by implementing a number of communication modes and interacting with the governmental and regulatory bodies. The clarification is needed for specifying the exact role and the obligations of the auditors. According to Woods (2009, cited in Kornberger, Justesen and Mouritsen, 2011) the companies often face downturn, when their financial statements are not audited properly and thus it threats the future developments of the company. According to Cherry, Johnson and Veron (2008, cited in Humphrey, Loft and Woods, 2009) suggested that auditing practices can overshadow the standard of financial reporting. Thus, greater focus is to be provided to the volatility of the accounting numbers than to audibility of the traditional financial statements. The imbalance between the two is noticed during the fair va lue debate. It has been suggested by Ryan (2008, cited in Humphrey, Loft and Woods, 2009) that the duration of the crisis can be reduced, if the practitioner of the auditing functions are exercising the Financial accounting System appropriately. The auditors seek to develop a firm ability to make a judgment related to the reporting of the fair values. Ryan (2008, cited

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Microsoft Word Essay Example for Free

Microsoft Word Essay i »? For M2, the evidence can be taken from anywhere. Learners are not required to learn standard proofing symbols, but are expected to make notes or marks on the original document which indicate what has to be done. Evidence will require the initial documents, the final documents and some indication of authenticity of work. Indications of what would be appropriate are included in the relevant section of the PSA. As part of my continued training in my post I am required to maintain and improve my communication skills. I will communicate review draft documents to produce final versions. Spell checker was one tool that I used to review draft documents. I clicked on the Spelling Grammar option. I then looked to see the options for the misspelt word and then pressed add. I then got a pop up showing that the spelling and grammar were all correct. Spelling and Grammar options are very important to ensure that everything is making sense and everything is spelt correctly. It’s very important that when you hand work in its perfect as if it’s not it will look unprofessional. Sometimes the Spelling and Grammar option may pick out words and spell them the American way. This option should be used with caution. Next I made use of the thesaurus and synonyms options. I right clicked a word that I wanted to change and clicked Synonyms which gave me a list of words I could change it to. Another option is to press Thesaurus on the review section. It does the same as Synonyms. The Thesaurus and synonyms option is very useful if you want to up level words or find other suitable options for specific words. When changing to more complex words it makes your work sound more professional and high level. Lastly, I made use of document tracking options. This is a very important factor when reviewing documentations and can help compare new documents to prior old ones. I chose the Track changed option and changed my document according to how I wanted it to be. I then pressed accept and it showed and highlighted where I had made changed in my document. The Document Tracking Option allows you to track where you have change the document. It also allows you to compare with the previous one so you can decide what you think is better which is very useful. Making use of the reviewing tools that Microsoft word has to offer is very important. Each tool can help greatly when reviewing documents in order to make sure they are at a high level standard that do not include any grammatical or spelling errors that may make the individual look unprofessional. There are many more tools and techniques then the ones listed in this report that can help greatly in the review process. It’s always very important to make sure that there are no errors in the work as the individual needs to show that they are checking their work and are motivated and care about the quality of the work in helping aid and contribute to the company or business. Using all these tools can help aid the review process and can help improve the quality of the work thus helping the quality in which it contributes to the business or company. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Software section.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Life Of Pi Evaluation Literature Essay

Life Of Pi Evaluation Literature Essay This whole book, Life of Pi does not follow any modern structures set by society that we know of today, especially the structure set by society regarding religion. Although the main character of the novel, Piscine Molitor Patel, is a native Hindu, he supports not only Hinduism but Christianity and Islam as well on the pretext that he loves God and that all these three religions are no different than the other. Unlike ordinary people who supports either one religion or not at all, Pi supports three religions; Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Pi was first introduced to Christianity in Chapter 17 where he entered a church for the first time and was introduced to the role of Christianity. I was fourteen years old and a well-content Hindu on a holiday when I met Jesus Christ (Martel 67). Pi was introduced to Christianity at the age of fourteen and was a Hindu at the time. This represents post-structuralism due to the fact that people only support one religion and do not believe in associating themselves with those of different religions, let alone entering other religious buildings. At the time, Pi was on holiday visiting a place called Munnar. Pi felt that Despite attending a nominally Christian school, I had not yet been inside a church and I wasnt about to dare the deed now (Martel 68). This connotes the structured view of only believing in one religion. However, when Pi entered the church and met Father Martin he became interested in the story of Christ and at the aspect of Christianity. Why would God wish that upon Himself? Why not leave death to the mortals? Why make dirty what is beautiful, spoil what is perfect? (Martel 72). A sense of post-structuralism is present since it is believed that God is immortal and cannot die. However, in the story of Christ, Jesus had died at the cross to save us. However, in the story of Christ, Pis interest was piqued. Pi conveys a sense of post-structuralism since he supports not only Hinduism but Christianity as well. I entered the church, without fear this time, for it was now my house too. I offered prayers to Christ, who is alive. Then I raced down the hill on the left and raced up the hill on the right to offer thanks to Lord Krishna for having put Jesus of Nazareth, whose humanity I found so compelling, in my way, (Martel 76). This emphasises post-structuralism through the fact that Pi prays to both Jesus and Lord Krishna of Christianity and Hinduism. After successfully becoming a Christian and a Hindu, Pi sets off, a year later, to join Islam. Islam followed right behind, hardly a year later. (Martel 77). Post-structuralism can be seen here as even though he already supports two religions, Christianity and Hinduism, which is not the example of a typical fifteen year old boy let alone any person, he gets interested in Islam. As of now, Pi currently supports three religions, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam for the only reason that he loves God. During this timeframe, it is when Pi is introduced to a Muslim baker. Pi makes conversation and during that conversation, the baker is called to prayers through the different sound of a muezzin, which is significantly different to Christianity which uses bells. And right there before me, in the midst of his work place, he prayed (Martel 80). Post-structuralism is present here in the form of the prayer. It is unusual for Muslims to perform prayer in front of other religions without some hostility. Martel does this to introduce Pi to each religion comfortably. It also reveals Martels true post-structured views on religion. While witnessing the baker performing prayer, Pi was thinking that Islam is nothing but an easy sort of exercise. Hot-weather yoga for the Bedouins. Asanas without sweat, heaven without strain (Martel 80). Usually, most would assume that the baker is in prayer. However, Pi believes that Islam is just a form of exercise and not able to be considered a religion. However, when he returns to see the baker, he is told that his religion is about the Beloved. Martel informs us that Islam is a beautiful religion of brotherhood and devotion (81). Later on in the novel, in Chapter 23, Pi is confronted by the three religious men, the priest, the pandit and the imam, on a Sunday walk with his family. Since everyone in Pis family, save for Pi, is not religious, this chapter presents many post-structuralism views. These three religious men bring out the truth from Pi stating that he cannot be a Christian, a Muslim and a Hindu and that he must choose. The very fact that this chapter exists is to display the structure of only being able to support one religion and the post-structure towards the supporting of three different religions. They further emphasize the structured religion by stating that there is only freedom of practice singular! and that he cant be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim (Martel 92). On the other hand, Pi demonstrates post-structuralism by stating that All religions are true. I just want to love God (Martel 92). Pis views on religion are not structured since structurally you can only believe in one religion; this connotes Pis actions as post-structuralism. As Pis reason for supporting three religions is only to love God, the three wise men could do nothing as you cant reprimand a boy for wanting to love God (Martel 93). This line is both structured and post-structured. Although it is set by society that religion is just a way to love God and there is only one way to do it, Pi clearly does more than support one religion which represents post-structuralism. Not long later, Pis support of three religions once again comes into play in chapter 26. This chapter, once again, demonstrates Pis post-structured views and his parents structured views. When Pi approaches his father to talk to him about being baptised and about having a prayer rug, Martel demonstrates a structured view through Pis father about religion; with him stating that You cant be both. You must be either one or the other (96). In a way, Martel is demonstrating the structure in which society has set with Pis father representing the whole of society. Pi, on the other hand, demonstrates a post-structured view on religion. In response to his fathers views, and to societys, he states that Thats not what they say! They both claim Abraham as theirs. Muslims say the God of the Hebrews and Christians is the same as the God of the Muslims. They recognize David, Moses and Jesus as prophets (Martel 96-97). Martel uses Pi to convey his post-structured view across to the audience by stating the similarities between the three religions. Due to the fact that society has stated that Christianity, Hinduism and Islam are completely separate religions! They have nothing in common, Pi is used to connote Martels post-structuralism views. Post-structuralism is once again displayed through Pis argument with his mother, with her taking the role of society. Martel demonstrates structuralism through Pis mother stating that if youre going to be religious, you must be either a Hindu, a Christian or a Muslim. You heard what they said on the esplanade (98). This establishment of structure is necessary to effectively communicate Martels post-structured view of religion across towards the audience. Pi then retaliates by stating that I dont see why I cant be all three. Mamaji has two passports. Hes Indian and French. Why cant I be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim? (Martel 98). Martel uses Pi to show that there is nothing wrong with having three religions and that having structures set by society is not always necessary to be followed. Martel uses Pi and breaks down those religious, structured views set by society and replaces them with his views regarding religion structure. These structures set by society come into play shortly after as Martel switches our focus towards the important discussion of whether to allow Pi to be baptised and have a prayer rug. Were a modern Indian family; we live in a modern way; India is on the cusp of becoming a truly modern and advanced nation and here weve produced a son who thinks hes the reincarnation of Sri Ramakrishna (Martel 99). Martel conveys structure through Pis parents with them believing that support of more than one religion is not possible. Pi ignores this and resumes his quest to love God. Sometimes, upon finishing my prayers, I would turn and catch sight of Father or Mother or Ravi observing me, until they got used to the sight (Martel 103). Martel shows Pis quest to love God through his praying. Life of Pi contains not only structured views set by society but also shows the post-structured views of Martel. Martels views on structure are concentrated mostly on religion, more accurately on Pis attitude towards religion. Since Pi supports more than one religion solely for the purpose of loving God, Martel demonstrates his post-structured views on religion.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay: In Depth Analysis

In Depth Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock The five-line interlude ending on "the floors of silent seas" forms an encapsulated version of the remainder of the poem, in which the frustrated effort to establish purposive discourse leads once again to withdrawal downward and inward to a silent world of instinctual being. A return to images of distension and distracting sensuality provokes a final impulse toward violent imposition of the will--"to force the moment to its crisis"--which ends, like previous thoughts of disturbing the universe, in ruthless self-mockery. The image of decapitation parodies the theme of disconnected being and provides for at least a negative definition of the self: "I am no prophet." By this point the tense has quietly shifted from present to past, and the speaker offers a series of prolonged interrogatives on the consequences of action not taken. While its grammatical context ("And would it have been worth it") reduces it to the contemplation of "what might have been"; the language and imagery of this passage enact with renewed intensity the recurring drama of mental conflict: Would it have been worth while, To have bitten off the matter with a smile, To have squeezed the universe into a ball To roll it towards some overwhelming question, To say: "I am Lazarus, come from the dead, Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all." The infinitives in this passage--to have bitten, to have squeezed, to roll--conform to the poem's widespread use of transitive verbs of direct action in expressing the speaker's violent impulse to combat the forces of disorder: to murder and create, to disturb the universe, to spit out all the butt-ends, to force the moment. The poem's ling... ...hich the author has elected to work, may itself evoke other psychic material; and then, lines of poetry may come into being, not from the original impulse, but from a secondary stimulation of the unconscious mind." The mental forces at work in Eliot's description of the poetic process serve as an analogy to the conflicts besetting the speaker in Prufrock. The speaker is a failed poet in terms of his inability to "murder" existing structures in order to "create" anew; be finds it impossible to say what be wants to say. In the "secondary stimulation of the unconscious mind" that occurs at this point, he partly abandons and partly resolves the struggle of form and matter; the integration of the psyche remains at best incomplete. Â   Works Cited Conflicts in Consciousness: T.S. Eliot’s Poetry and Criticism. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984. Â   Â  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Bermuda Triangle :: Devils Triangle Paranormal

Bermuda Triangle, region of the western Atlantic Ocean that has become associated in the popular imagination with mysterious maritime disasters. Also known as the Devil's Triangle, the triangle-shaped area covers about 1,140,000 sq km (about 440,000 sq mi) between the island of Bermuda, the coast of southern Florida, and Puerto Rico. The sinister reputation of the Bermuda Triangle may be traceable to reports made in the late 15th century by navigator Christopher Columbus concerning the Sargasso Sea, in which floating masses of gulfweed were regarded as uncanny and perilous by early sailors, others date the notoriety of the area to the mid-19th century, when a number of reports were made of unexplained disappearances and mysteriously abandoned ships. The earliest recorded disappearance of a United States vessel in the area occurred in March 1918, when the USS Cyclops vanished. The incident that consolidated the reputation of the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance in December 1945 of Flight 19, a training squadron of five U.S. Navy torpedo bombers. The squadron left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with 14 crewmen and disappeared after radioing a series of distress messages, a seaplane sent in search of the squadron also disappeared. Aircraft that have disappeared in the area since this incident include a DC-3 carrying 27 passengers in 1948 and a C-124 Globemaster with 53 passengers in 1951. Among the ships that have disappeared was the tanker ship Marine Sulphur Queen, which vanished with 39 men aboard in 1963. Books, articles, and television broadcasts investigating the Bermuda Triangle emphasize that, in the case of most of the disappearances, the weather was favorable, the disappearances occurred in daylight after a sudden break in radio contact, and the vessels vanished without a trace. However, skeptics point out that many supposed mysteries result from careless or biased consideration of data. For example, some losses attributed to the Bermuda Triangle actually occurred outside the area of the triangle in inclement weather conditions or in darkness, and some can be traced to known mechanical problems or inadequate equipment. In the case of Flight 19, for example, the squadron commander was relatively inexperienced, a compass was faulty, the squadron failed to follow instructions, and the aircraft were operating under conditions of deteriorating weather and visibility and with a low fuel supply. Bermuda Triangle :: Devil's Triangle Paranormal Bermuda Triangle, region of the western Atlantic Ocean that has become associated in the popular imagination with mysterious maritime disasters. Also known as the Devil's Triangle, the triangle-shaped area covers about 1,140,000 sq km (about 440,000 sq mi) between the island of Bermuda, the coast of southern Florida, and Puerto Rico. The sinister reputation of the Bermuda Triangle may be traceable to reports made in the late 15th century by navigator Christopher Columbus concerning the Sargasso Sea, in which floating masses of gulfweed were regarded as uncanny and perilous by early sailors, others date the notoriety of the area to the mid-19th century, when a number of reports were made of unexplained disappearances and mysteriously abandoned ships. The earliest recorded disappearance of a United States vessel in the area occurred in March 1918, when the USS Cyclops vanished. The incident that consolidated the reputation of the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance in December 1945 of Flight 19, a training squadron of five U.S. Navy torpedo bombers. The squadron left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with 14 crewmen and disappeared after radioing a series of distress messages, a seaplane sent in search of the squadron also disappeared. Aircraft that have disappeared in the area since this incident include a DC-3 carrying 27 passengers in 1948 and a C-124 Globemaster with 53 passengers in 1951. Among the ships that have disappeared was the tanker ship Marine Sulphur Queen, which vanished with 39 men aboard in 1963. Books, articles, and television broadcasts investigating the Bermuda Triangle emphasize that, in the case of most of the disappearances, the weather was favorable, the disappearances occurred in daylight after a sudden break in radio contact, and the vessels vanished without a trace. However, skeptics point out that many supposed mysteries result from careless or biased consideration of data. For example, some losses attributed to the Bermuda Triangle actually occurred outside the area of the triangle in inclement weather conditions or in darkness, and some can be traced to known mechanical problems or inadequate equipment. In the case of Flight 19, for example, the squadron commander was relatively inexperienced, a compass was faulty, the squadron failed to follow instructions, and the aircraft were operating under conditions of deteriorating weather and visibility and with a low fuel supply.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ethnic Minority Prisoners in Britain Essay -- Race Relations in Prison

Prison can be a daunting and psychological challenge for anyone. Experiences can have lifelong effects and can often traumatise those incarcerated. However the experience minority ethnic prisoners face can be deemed diverse. They can become victims of discrimination, racism violence and harassment all on the basis of their race, skin colour, or nationality. Scott and Codd (2010, P. 70) note that ‘prisoners from certain believed culturally or biologically determined ‘racial groups’ are understood as being genetically, intellectually or socially inferior beings, thus contributing to their own poverty of life experiences and criminal identity'. Scott and Codd (2010) state that ‘the prison place racism is a key dimension of the expression of power, shaping prejudicial decisions, exclusionary practices and the physical manifestation of violence, bullying and intimidation’. Scott and Codd (2010, P.70) put forward that ‘this penal terror goes even further for some, such as foreign national prisoners, as it can exacerbate the structured pains of the prison itself. Jewkes and Johnston (2006, P.107) found that ‘prisoners from ethnic minority backgrounds have faced a long struggle in getting the Home Office and Prison Service to recognise their diverse cultural, religious and dietary needs’. Jewkes and Johnston (2006) put forward that the UK prison population has risen by 15,000 since New Labour came to power in 1997, and has doubled since Margaret Thatcher took office in 1979. Inmates from ethnic minority backgrounds account for a large percentage of this figure. For example the white population increased by 36 per cent, Black population grew by 196 per cent, south Asian populations grew by 120 per cent and Chinese/other Asian by 223 ... ...and Phillips, C. (2002) Racism, Crime and Justice. Pearson Educated Limited: England. Chigwada-Bailey, R. (2003) Black Women’s Experiences of Criminal Justice: Discourse on Disadvantages, 2nd edn. Winchester. Waterside Press. Jewkes, Y. And Johnston, H. (2006) Prison Readings: A Critical Introduction to Prisons and Punishment. Willan Publishing Devon. Wilson, D. and Moore, S. (2003) Playing the Game – The Experiences of Young Black Men in Custody. London: The Children’s Society. Ryan, M. (1996) Lobbying from Below. London: UCL Press. Burnett, R. and Farrell, G. (1994) Reported and Unreported Racial Incidents in Prisons, Occasional Paper, No.14. Oxford: University of Oxford Centre for Criminological Research. Gravett, S. (2007) Coping with Prison: A Guide to Practitioners on the Realities of Imprisonment. SAGE Publications Company. London Home Office (1986)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Future Direction in Organization Development Essay

The field of OD is evolving, but so too is the context within which OD is applied. As summarized in figure 25-2. Several interrelated trends are affecting the context within which OD will be applied in the near future. They concern various aspects of the economy, the workforce, technology, and organizations. In some cases, the trends will directly affert OD practice. Technology trends, such as Internet portals, voice over the internet, and wireless network, will no doubt influence how OD practitioners communicate with organization members, facilitate teams, and manage change. Other trends, such as the increasing concentration of wealth, represent important contextual forces that will indirectly affect OD through their interactions with other trends. The Economy Researchers and futurist have described a variety of economic scenarios, and there is subtantial agreement that the world’s economy is in the midst of a transition from the industrial age that characterized much of the twentieth century. Although these scenarios ditier in their particulars, they all fit under the rubric of globalization, and many of the same trends are identified as drivers, including technology, workforce, and organization, which will be discussed separately. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the and of apartheid, the breakup of the former Soviet Union, the creation of the European Union, terrorist attacks in many different countries, and the emergence of the chinese and indian economies are key events in the transition to a global economy. Organizations from arround the world are increasingly able to shift their manufacturing from high-to low- labor- cost countries. Execute international mergers and acquisitions, and build worldwide services businesses. The emergence of global economy is well under way, but the promise and rationalization of that process is far from complete. The initial steps toward globalization have fueled real price decrease in many consumers products, provided employment for people in less-developed nations, and driven revenue growth in a variety of industries. However , the transition to a global economy is for the most part un managed, and there is increasing concern over its social and ecological consequences. This raises trouble-some questions about three key issues: cultural diversity, income distribution, and ecological sustainability. First, transitioning to a global economy is a complex and daunting process that involves organizations, technology, people, and governments. Yhe role and function of national governments and the importance of cultural diversity in the process is not well understood. There are few generally accepted guidelines. On the one hand, some economists argue that globalization is good for countries and cultures. The cite numerous example of how music, art, political thought, technology, and other artifacts of culture have crossed boundaries and enriched people’s experiences. Other argue that governments must face the difficult choice of preserving or sacrificing their culture. Seconds, globalization of the economy is closely related to an increasing concentration of wealth in relatively few individuals, corporations, and nations. Third, there are increasingly clear warnings that the ecosystem can no longer be treated as a factor of production, and that success cannot be defined as the accumulations of wealth and material goods at the expense of the environment. The conclusions from the intergovernmental panel on climate change suggest that industrialization is not a controversial but a probable cause of global warming. Seceral traditional organizations are reserving long held opinions about their contribution to environmental decay by setting agressive goals to reduce greenhouse gases. The Workforce The workforce is becoming more diverse, educated, and contingent. Chapter 18 documented the diversity trend and suggested that organizations, whatever they operate primarily in their home country or abroad, will need to develop policies and operating styles that embrace the changing cultural, ethnic, gender, and age diversity of the workforce. Technology By almost any measure, information technology is a significant and increasingly common fact of life. An estimated 150. 9 million worldwide internet users in 1998 grew to 605. 6 million in 2002. In 2007, according to an internet world stats estimate, more than 1,24 billion people were on the internet, and of those, 37% were in asia. The internet is the backbone of a global economy, and although the technology sector of suffered financial setbacks, few people doubt its future importance. At the core of information technology is E-commerce, an economy that knows no boundaries. E-commerce involves using automated teller machines, buying games, on your cell phone, buying ang selling products and services over the internet, and selling advertising space. This range of activities makes estimating the size of the E-commerce market difficult. Two type of E-commerce seem particularly relevant to OD’s future: business-to-consumer and business-to-business. Business to consumer market garners much attention and awareness because it is how the public participates in E-commerce. This attention and awareness because it is how the public participates in E-commerce. This market, which includes E-tailers such us Amazon. com, eBay. com. in these businesses, OD must help to create and implement novel business models. The organizational issues in the business to business market are even more complex. A good example of the implications and potential of this market is the global automobile industry’s creation of an online store. In addition to providing the infrastructure for E-commerce, technology is also changing and enabling a variety of organizational processes. New technologies, such as SAP or PeopleSoft, drive changes in how information and work information and work processes are coordinated and managed: they also require modification in the way productivity is measured.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Emotional Memory Essay

Emotional memory pertains to an individual’s recollection of incidents that have occurred in the past. The mechanism behind such strong retention is mainly based on the emotions that are associated with that particular event, resulting in a increased level of attention that facilitates encoding of the event in the memory of an individual. Emotional memory is also involved in ruminations of the occurrence, regardless of the length of time that has already passed away since the actual event. This kind of memory can be distinguished from other neurobiological concepts of memory because its retention is very strong due to the influence of emotions, which technically magnifies details of the incident. Research has shown that emotional memory is imprinted in the cortical region of the brain. This description is supported by observations that several neural activities occur in the cortex, thus facilitating memory retention. Several studies have indicated that emotional memory involves two major processes, namely encoding and post-encoding. The first process of encoding involves the heightened level of attention of an individual during the actual event, while post-encoding pertains to the consolidation of the details of the event after the actual incident, coupled with enhancement that is triggered by the emotions that were set off at that time. One prime example of an emotional memory is the vivid recall of an accident that is associated with physical injury and blood. Regardless of the length of time that the incident has occurred, the individual who was involved in the accident is still capable of remembering the accident even after several years. One complication of emotional memory is that an individual finds it difficult to dissociate his emotions with regards to a particular incident. It is thus extremely hard for an individual to go back to the site of an accident if this person almost died at that time. It has been suggested that evolution also plays a role in emotional memory, wherein the brain of human beings has acquired the capacity to retain details of an event in order to survive that particular incident. It may thus be possible that through fear, early primates and other higher mammals may have learned to stay away from predators and other harmful environmental components in order to survive in the wild. These species may have adapted such modes of memory by being subjected to extreme discomfort or pain that is related to incidents such as toxin exposure or predation and thus their perception for harmful conditions may have been imprinted in their brains and possibly passed on to their offspring. The exact mechanism behind the retrieval of memories associated with a particular incident based on emotional settings still remains elusive up to this date. The unique feature of storage for a prolonged period of time further complicates the pathway and several analysts have attempted to address this question. Neurobiologists have suggested that emotional memory may be act as a complete process unless an individual is able to retrieve the information associated with a specific incident in the past. Storage of information, or encoding, is simply one component of the entire emotional memory pathway yet the retrieval of specific information is essential in determining that the entire process has been completed. It has also been suggested that emotional memory is easier to access over the neutral events, and this is also partly due to the role of amygdala, which influences how the hippocampus functions at such events. In addition to the emotional influence, sleep also sways the brain to remember specific incidents, wherein the amount of sleep can result in a positive or negative condition for memory. According to Sterpenic et al. (2007), memory is influenced by sleep through the imposition of neural correlates. Through the application of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a comparison of neural connections was examined among subjects who were able to sleep for a sufficient amount of time and those who were deprived of sleep. The investigation was designed towards a stage wherein the subjects were allowed to undergo post-encoding, which is one of the two stages of emotional memory. The investigation showed that subjects who received enough hours of sleep had the ability to remember the positive events that occurred. On the other hand, an interesting observation came from those subjects who were subjected to a particular negative event. They observed that regardless of sufficiency or lack of sleep, the subject participant was able to retain the details of the negative event, most probably through the characteristic emotion that was generated from the negative stimuli. Another observation gathered by neurobiologists regarding emotional memory was that several regions of the brain were responsible in retaining such details and emotions. The two major brains areas involved in emotional memory were the hippocampus and the cortex. Specific regions of the cortex that were responsible for emotional memory included the prefrontal cortex, which is also involved in criminality. It seems that negative emotions, such as that involved in emotional memory, are largely stored in this region of the brain. Moreover, fMRI scanning showed a functional connection between these two regions of the brain and the combinatorial effect of these regions was magnified when the incident is featured with negative stimuli or emotions. It is interesting to know that sleep may also have a selective effect on the memory of an individual. The amygdala was observed to only stimulate the hippocampus for encoding when a negative event has occurred and this happens with or without sleep. On the other hand, a happy incident will only be stored in the hippocampus if an individual receives enough sleep. Such selective storage of details may be largely influenced by emotions during that particular event, and not simply by the amount of time that an individual was able to sleep. Such kinds of research investigations are thus important in the providing a better understanding of how emotions influence an individual’s memory and ultimately, one’s mental condition. It has also been shown that emotions play a major role in the storage of details in the brain. In an investigation that involved manipulation of the context of emotion of subject participants, the activity of the neural networks in the brain was examined. A specific memory tested also allowed the comparison of retrieval capacities of the brain and the research conducted by Smith et al. (2005) showed that the presence of emotions increased the likelihood that an individual will retain the details of the incident. The emotional memory tested in this study showed that the actual area of brain involved in this mechanism is the left side of the amygdala, as well as the left side of the frontotemporal region of the cortex. The study also showed that the right side of the amydala and the frontotemporal cortex was not capable enough of storing details of a specific incident, regardless of its coupling to emotions. It is thus possible that when an individual has damaged the left side of his brain, then it is impossible for him to recall any other details of his past. It should also be understood that cognition is mainly based on memory as well as emotion, yet for several yesterday there were not attempts performed into looking into the finer details of the pathway. In addition, there were also only a few reported regarding the interaction of the amygdala and the cortex and on how these two regions responded to each other’s messages. The advent of high definition imaging technologies such as the magnetic resonance imaging allowed the visualization of internal regions of the brain that were perceived to be unreachable by an other analytical means. References Smith, A. P. , Henson, R. N. , Rugg, M. D. and Dolan, R. J. (2005). Modulation of retrieval processing reflects accuracy of emotional source memory. Learning and Memory, 12, 472–479. Sterpenich, V. , Albouy, G. , Boly, M. , Vandewalle, G. , Darsaud, A. , Balteau, E. , Dang-Vu, T. T. , Desseilles. M. , D’Argembeau, A. , Gais, S. , Rauchs, G. , Schabus, M. , Degueldre, C. , Luxen, A. , Collette, F. , Maquet, P. (2007). Sleep-related hippocampo-cortical interplay during emotional memory recollection. PloS Bi

Principles of Maintaining Stationary Stock Essay

1 ) 1. 1 – Explain the intent of doing certain stationary stock is maintained and controlled? A good degree of stationary stock should ever be maintained and controlled because it makes treating easier and saves blowing clip. Normally a company will hold one individual in charge of the stock and that individual will hold the responsibilities of keeping any stock. Smaller companies are easier to keep than larger 1s. Large companies can hold much more of a trenchant undertaking as they will necessitate a batch more stock or stationary. Besides within a larger company there will be more sections so it will be made a small harder. The individual responsible has to bare in head any budgets the employer/manager had put in topographic point. There are different ways of which you can command the degrees of the stock but these are yet once more different with each and every company. A hebdomadal or biweekly look into on stock is normally the most effectual manner. Checking stock degrees will besides assist to detect what stationary is used more within their company. This will demo what is more relevant in purchasing. If the stock is non checked or maintained so the degrees can drop. This can ensue into the company disbursement more money to acquire the equipment/stock they need from a high street store and this can so thwart many workers/managers. 1. 2 – Describe factors that may impact the future degree of demand for stationary stock. Their will be many factors that may impact the future degree of stationary stock. One of these is the cost of the stationary itself. All. if non most. companies are doing cut in their disbursement and this is one section that may experience the cut more than others. Employees will be asked to utilize less stock whilst working and bespeaking orders for stock. These may go declined if the individual in charge thinks that the company will non necessitate the stationary or it is non required. Besides another factor is the usage of engineering. Technology is everlastingly increasing and going a bigger portion in everyone’s lives. This means more administrations will be utilizing the cyberspace a batch more. E-mailing more to cut the cost of paper and it is a quicker manner to direct messages or to pass on and run their concern. Letterss are going a less frequent manner of pass oning. Th is will do each company cut down on the quality of paper. ink. envelopes and casts that are used. 1. 3 – Explain the intent of doing certain value of money is obtained when telling stock. The intent of doing certain value of money is obtained when telling stock is indispensable. Each company needs to guarantee that they are non blowing any unneeded money and that the stock you are telling is really needed. The individual in charge of telling demands to believe about the bringing costs. quality and measure costs. They besides need to believe about using minimal orders but can still cover everything that will be needed. The value of money is most of import because no company wants to be blowing money on merchandises that cant be afforded or on stationary the habit be used. The individual who is responsible for all this needs to hold a good think about what truly needs to be ordered and if it is necessary in the environment. Besides to cognize if it is environmentally friendly earlier merely telling anything and everything they want to. 2 ) 2. 1 – Describe how to order. receive. shop and dispose stationary stock points. Ordering ; before you even get down to order you need to cognize who your providers are. If you don’t already have a provider so you need to happen one. You will necessitate to happen a provider that is suited to you and your company. When taking a company you will necessitate to see these things ; Are there any bringing charges? Do I have to put a minimal order? Do they sell all the stock we need? Are their monetary values competitory or really expensive? How long does it take for an order to come through? You may happen it easier to compose a list of the stationary ( stock list ) you will necessitate so you can pick a provider that fits your demands. Once you have found the provider you will be utilizing so you will necessitate to travel through the catalogue or online and order what you need. Besides the individual responsible for this will necessitate to be cognizant of their budget and that they do non travel over. Receive ; When you do have the stock. it is better to look into the bringing notes against what has been delivered to guarantee that all the stock you need or ordered is their. You will necessitate to look into the reception and look into everything they say is there is really there and is non defective. You will necessitate to place directly off if there are any jobs or any stationary missing. Lastly you will necessitate to direct the reception up the finance so they can look into it against the bill and do certain all the monetary values add up and no 1s is being over charged or under charged. Shop ; when hive awaying the stationary you should revolve it so it is the oldest foremost. Storage should be in a nice neat order and organised so you can see what you have and what you don’t have. Revolving stationary isn’t the most of import thing to make but it is still advisable so that pens and Tipex do non dry out and the paper doesn’t acquire creased or even moistures. When hive awaying stationary it is best to maintain all things the same together and take count to see how many there is so you know for following clip when it comes to tell how much you should order. Dispose ; when disposing stationary you need to first work out what can be recycled. or if it is environmentally friendly and what merely needs to be put in a normal bin. Most companies now like a concern with an environmentally friendly provider. They will look at the manner they package the merchandises so it makes it easier to dispose of the packaging. How near a company is to their concern is of import to cut down on the transporting costs.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Feminist Criticism of a Farewell to Arms Essay

After finishing A Farewell to Arms, I found it difficult to reconcile Judith Fetterley’s feminist attack of the novel with my own personal opinions. I agree that Hemingway does kick women to the curb in his portrayal of Catherine, but my reasons for pinning this crime on Hemingway are different from hers’. Although she means well, Fetterley makes the ridiculous claim that by portraying Catherine as an angelic, selflessly loving â€Å"woman to end all women,† Hemingway disguises misogynistic attitudes and a deep-seeded hatred towards the XX chromosome. This claim is not supported by the text. If we look at Hemingway through the lens of his own words, we find that his misogyny does not spring from a â€Å"too good to be true† portrait of Catherine, but rather in his tendency to cast her down into the dirt-Catherine is a dependent, baby-manufacturing trap that stifles Lieutenant Henry: â€Å"Poor, poor dear Cat. And this was the price you paid for sleeping together. This was the end of the trap† (320). It is his penchant for sex and his need for womanly comfort that keeps Henry coming back to Catherine, not some notion of â€Å"love† or true connection. This is Hemingway’s misogyny, however unintentional, unmasked. But to get a true sense of this â€Å"anti-Fetterley† feminist view of the novel, it is important too look at the specifics of Hemingway’s construction of Catherine-facts that stand in direct opposition to Fetterley’s stated attacks. First of all, Catherine is not Fetterley’s unique and unattainable goddess-she is an object in Henry’s universe, a feast of sensations but nothing more. She is akin to good food and good drink: â€Å"‘I was made to eat. My God, yes. Eat and drink and sleep with Catherine'† (233). Indeed, Henry’s thoughts about Catherine, both when he is at the front or by her side, mingle with longings for good wine and reflections on sumptuous meals. In Henry’s world, a good Capri would be nice, a nice hunk of cheese would be grand, and sleeping with Catherine would be sublime. These things all equate to the satisfaction of basic human needs. Every now and then, Henry feels a grumbling in his loins-a periodic hunger for the â€Å"cheese† between Catherine’s legs. Hemingway dissolves Catherine into the least common denominator-the object, devoid of meaning or real importance (when Henry isn’t hungry). How can Catherine be an angel, as Fetterley claims, when she is merely an object, a small, rocklike satellite orbiting Planet Henry? This leads us to another aspect of Hemingway’s treatment of Catherine. In the novel, she is a completely dependent and subservient slave to Henry and his desires-she is placed firmly under his heel. This is evident from her dialogue: â€Å"‘I’m good. Aren’t I good? You don’t want any other girls, do you?†¦ You see? I’m good. I do what you want'† (106). Through her words, we get a sense that the only thing that concerns Catherine is the level of Henry’s satisfaction. She needs his approval; he is the beginning and end of her world. This dependency resurfaces many times in the novel. In Milan, Catherine works herself to the bone all day, so that she can have sex with Henry all night. Throughout this period, her greatest worry is that she doesn’t tack up to the girls that he has had in the past: â€Å"‘I’ll say just what you wish and I’ll do what you wish and then you will never want any other girls'† (105). When she is pregnant, her thoughts and concerns continue to center completely around Henry’s happiness: â€Å"‘But after she’s born and I’m thin again I’m going to cut it (her hair) and then I’ll be a fine new and different girl for you'† (304). Even during her long and arduous labor, Catherine’s single worry is that she is a burden on Henry: â€Å"‘Oh, I wanted so o have this baby and not make trouble, and now I’m all done and all gone to pieces and it doesn’t work'† (322). Fetterley might claim that this amounts to â€Å"selfless-love,† but I think this phrase gives Catherine (and Hemingway) too much credit. Catherine, as portrayed in the text, seems more like an obedient dog then a virtuous, unselfish being of light; she is like a mutt that serves its master because it has no one else and cannot survive on its own. By the end of the novel, Hemingway succeeds in portraying Catherine as both an object and a docile subject in Lieutenant Henry’s kingdom. This construction diminishes Catherine’s character and allows Henry (and Hemingway) to view her and the baby completely in terms of the burden they entail. They are a â€Å"trap†-flames that burn the log that â€Å"Henry the ant† scurries around on. This makes it much easier for Hemingway to kill off Catherine and wash Henry’s hands of all responsibility-the final pieces in his misogynistic puzzle. This harsh take is a more tenable alternative to Fetterley’s feminist attacks on the novel.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Article 9 - Must-Have Job Skills in 2013 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

9 - Must-Have Job Skills in 2013 - Article Example Personal branding will be of importance in 2013. In the wake of social networking, human resource personnel are scouting employees in twitter and other social networks and hence how one has branded himself or herself there is of essence. Attractive personal branding will come in handy especially when the employer requires using the sites for business. According to Mr. Handal, the CEO of Carnegie Training in New York, employees need to be more flexible and adapt to changes and this is only possible if they can be able to get out of their comfort zones. 2013 will require employees who can respond quickly to the ever changing needs of their employers. Lastly, productivity improvement is of essence as far as job skills in 2013 are concerned. Research by Corporate Executive Board in Virginia has shown than the productivity of employees needs to improve by at least 20% if they are to keep their jobs. Other than that, they are required to show creativity at the workplace as this will differentiate themselves from others and also ensure they remain

Thursday, September 12, 2019

African-American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

African-American History - Essay Example In case they went for war both white and black soldiers fought side by side at times for the sovereignty of the United States2. Post-war period therefore brought with it huge and significant changes that are worth researching and elaboration. USA for centuries now has been dragging a huge burden of racial criticism and such periods in history as WWII have come to make the racism aspect more pronounced. This paper will look into the history of African Americans during and after the World War II while shedding light on the ideological shifts regarding racial segregation after the war together with white racial perspectives. Historians and researchers alike have come to offer their sentiments regarding World War II in a rather convergent manner. They have stated in a collective approach that this war was tyrannical and at the same time representing liberty. This war is analysed to have been between fascism and totalitarianism on one side and democracy on the other on a rather simple scale but its complexity in respect to American perspective was interesting. On one hand United States fought the Germans and Japanese because of their evil despots related to their lack of recognition for equality and freedom. This is where the complexity and irony creep in as far as United States is concerned. Right in their battle fields and within the armed forces, African Americans were hugely segregated in favour of white soldiers. The freedom and equality being fought for was being given by one hand and taken with the other by the United States from the African Americans. The reality that dawned on the African America ns was that they were in battle fighting two fronts at the same time; Jim Crow laws on one side (internally) and Axis powers on the other (externally)3. Racism and segregation were what the African Americans faced from their countrymen. For the black soldiers at war different living conditions which were obviously lower than those of the rest were in the offing.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay - 4

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that there is a significant shortage in the number of nurses around the globe. Many countries including the United States strive to deal with this problem since it’s the mandate of the respective governments to safeguard the health of its citizens. According to recent studies, the shortage is likely to worsen if responsible authorities do not take the appropriate corrective action. By 2020, estimates point that there will be a 36 % deficit in the number of nurses available to care for patients in the U.S if there are no corrective measures. The current deficit impedes the ability of the nation to handle all its medical cases and presents a cause for worry in the event of a disastrous health event. Therefore, nursing leadership and management have roles to play in correcting the current situation while also taking the future of nursing into consideration. It necessitates retaining current nurses and recruiting qualified ones to fill t he gap. There is a host of factors that cause the shortage of nurses. Some of these influences include high levels of nurse turnovers and poor nurse retention strategies, an ageing workforce, overworking of nurses poor working conditions, inadequate remuneration, shortage in the nursing faculty outputs and other better career options for women.   The strained relationship between hospital administrators, poor hospital staffing, and organization and personal reasons are the major influences causing increases in the rates of nurse turnover.